dilluns, 2 de desembre del 2019

Four years ago when I was 10 I went to Ibiza. I went with my family: my motuer, my brother, my aunt, the boyfriend of my mom and a friend. We stayed there 7 days.

We went by ship. While everyy body was sleeping, I and my brother went to "the cinema". After that my mom told me to be quited and stay in the room, yet my brother and I didn't listen to her. At the begining we saw a comedy and we laughted a lot, yet my brother fell slept and I had to pick up him and went to the room. I didn't want to sleep and I returned to the cinema. Obviusly I fell slept in there. The next day, when I got up, I went to the room while everybody was sleeping and anybody noticed me.

Anybody know this, but I think it's the most exciting of the travel.

dijous, 9 de maig del 2019


In my town they are going to build a new photographic gallery, but some people are for and some people are against. Here are some arguments of the people to be for or against.

On the one hand, there are some positive things like: the tourism will increase, it can help people to be interesed in art , it's a fantastic place to  meet people, local artist can take to meet his art to the world, etc.

But on the other hand, there are some negative thimgs like; it's so expensive to build and they can use this money for diferent things like to build a hospital or for the education, etc.

In my opinion it can be cool and interesting to have a photographic gallery but it costs a lot of money.

divendres, 22 de febrer del 2019

A really good phone

I bought a phone last Monday. It's really expensive, it cost 100 dollars, but I'm so happy with it! I use it for my work and to call my friends. There are some advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages are I can take it anywere, it has really good camera and it's so fast too.

The disadvantages are it's so expensive and the battery is bad, and the screen it's easy to broke.

In conclusion I think it's better than worse and I recomend it so much. I think I don't have to buy a new phone in many years.