dilluns, 2 de desembre del 2019

Four years ago when I was 10 I went to Ibiza. I went with my family: my motuer, my brother, my aunt, the boyfriend of my mom and a friend. We stayed there 7 days.

We went by ship. While everyy body was sleeping, I and my brother went to "the cinema". After that my mom told me to be quited and stay in the room, yet my brother and I didn't listen to her. At the begining we saw a comedy and we laughted a lot, yet my brother fell slept and I had to pick up him and went to the room. I didn't want to sleep and I returned to the cinema. Obviusly I fell slept in there. The next day, when I got up, I went to the room while everybody was sleeping and anybody noticed me.

Anybody know this, but I think it's the most exciting of the travel.

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